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Electrical Code Violations
04 May

Electrical Code Violations

I'm tired of listening to the United States complain about how awful their conditions are when countries like Nepal, and India experience roughly 9-12 hour electrical brown outs daily. What would most teenagers do in the United States if we lost our power daily for such long lengths... When w

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Non-licensed Builders
04 May

Non-licensed Builders

The picture above could very well happen to you if your home was wired by a non-licensed profrossional... Would you be pissed if you found out your million dollar home on beautiful waterfront property was done by non-experienced builders.. Maybe the contractor is great at building and working with w

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Electrical Code Violations
22 Mar

Electrical Code Violations

This Category never seems to fail on the impressiveness of what people try to do to save a buck.... That is until their house goes up in flames.. People!! Listen up! Electrical Code Violations are not worth losing your home when something arcs out one too many times and burst into flames during

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