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Non-licensed Builders
04 May

Non-licensed Builders

The picture above could very well happen to you if your home was wired by a non-licensed profrossional... Would you be pissed if you found out your million dollar home on beautiful waterfront property was done by non-experienced builders.. Maybe the contractor is great at building and working with wood, but has no clue about proper National Electrical Codes nor should they have any business near the wires because they are not licensed to begin with.... The sad thing is that anyone can put their roofing shingle out and say, "hey! look at me! I'm a builder"... unfortunately no one would be the wiser wether they knew what they were doing or not... Home owners for single family dwellings especially get taken advantage of constantly and royally screwed for lack of a better phrase... Why should I be forced to go to school for 6 years studying electrical, mandatory 12,000 hours logged and approved by the state before I can even beging to schedule my masters exam.... And then after all of that, only can I begin to do electrical if I passed my masters exam. Why should I have to jump through hoop after hoop to do electrical, pay for the continuing eduaction courses and code updates, fees for licensing yearly, when a builder can go build and wire a million dollar home filled with electrical disasters, code violations...etc  Once the home is built, the builder sells it to a client that never knew who had cridentials and who did not.... Well in a lot of cases here in Vermont you can assume the builder has no electrical cridentials whatsoever.... I can't begin to tell you how often I experience the very scenario in the aforementioned... Builders! Stick to wood and leave my wires alone!!

SWJ Electric Company

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